Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chapter Five - Julian

Julian was one of Angela's pub friends.

After the INCIDENT,

Angela requested Julian to revenge for her.


"I want you to seduce Jonathan. Do anything to make him suffer!"

"I want him to suffer!!!" Angela started her conversation

"What will I have in return?", Julian asked.

"You will get what you always wanted.." Angela continued, with her orange juice.

"And that is???"

"A taste of me.."

"..... deal..."


One of the interesting things Julian do for fun is .....


and more SEX..

There was a time where he had the same conversation with Angela.

To revenge on behalf of her.

How he do revenge is to have Great sex.

Incridible Sex.

With a dark secret behind......


"Julian, Your tongue.. ooo...ah..ah..."

Julian was kissing and using his tongue..

He is great with his tongue.

"OOOOOOO..... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... you're so good.. so good.."

"You are wonderful.. you are GOD!!"

"AA... aaaaaaaaaaa.. ooooooooooooooo....OOOO..OoooOOOOOooooOOOooo....."


However, there is something wrong with this picture.

Something that is seriously wrong.

Something that involve a JVC GZ-MG555 hybrid

Yes.. You are right.

He liked to taped all his sexual encounters.

And how he managed to fish out Handsome Jonathan.

Was interesting.

What will happen next?


Legolas said...

Hmmm. Am trying to make connections here.

Little Dove said...

Why are all the good guys so vulnerable? I hope Jonathan survives this.

Emo-Happiness said...

Ya lo.. Suddenly realised not easy to write stories..

Little Dove
Don't worry. Jonathan is safe.. :p