"You got really great abs.." Jack was staring at Jonathan in the shower room.
"Ha ha..", before he knows it, Jonathan was blushing..
"You too.." , as Jonathan was trying to swing away from his attention.
Without both of them knowing it,
It was a show of two delicious meat in the shower room.
The running water made both their muscle's glowing in the dark.
The scent of the soap, making the atmosphere a lustful one.
Jack started to sip his hand into his swimming trunks..
Slowly rubbing.
Slowly ..
And the swimming trunk suddenly droped to the floor.
Jonathan looked.
Giggled... like a kid.
He saw Jack's full naked body.
It was a scene made in heaven.
He stared at his neck,
his butt,
his penis.
and wonders if there a stamp stating 'made in heaven'
but there was none.
He can only admire..
Before Jonathan even noticed,
Jonathan started rubbing soap under his swimming trunk.
and his swiming trunk slipped down as well..
where he revealed his perfect six and a half inch dick.
There was no moon in the shower room.
But vividly, you can hear enigma's 'lust' was playing around..
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen...
Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur
Attollite portas, principes, vestras
et elevamini, portae aeternales
et introibit Rex Gloriae
Qius est iste Rex Glorie?
Sade, dit moi...
Sade, donne moi...
Procedamus in pace
In nomine Christi, Amen...
Sade dit moi qu'est ce que tu vas chercher ?
Le bien par le mal ?
La vertu par le vice ?
Sade dit moi pourquoi l'evangile du mal ?
Quelle est ta religion ou` sont tes fide`les ?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme.
Sade es-tu diabolique ou divin ?
(3x)Sade, dit moi...
Sade, donne moi...
In nomine Christi, Amen...
B : Find LoveThe principles of lust... Are easy to understand
Do what you feel... Feel until the end
The principles of lust... Are burnt in your mind
Do what you want... Do it until you find Love...
C : Sadeness (Reprise)
(3x)Sade, dit moi...
Sade, donne moi...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
End... of Jonathan

Dear Friend...
I really think I sucked in writing stories.
That goes my writing career..
Well.. It's definitely not the end of Jonathan.
He is .. Living his life. The fullest.
So is me. Living my life.
For everyone's information,
I am Officially 'Celebrity Gym member' .
Joined the first time.
Why I joined?
The fitness consultant (Front desk sales) asked me a question.
"Either you want to be like this forever or do something now."
"We are offering a chance for you to be a celebrity. Or be like one!"
"Let me consider first..."
"Which credit card are you using.?"
"I want to consider first.."
"Ok.. Which credit card are you using?"
"Can I have a look at your credit card?"
".... "
"I thought I mention I want to consider first?"
"No.. I will decide for you ."
And I ended up signing in.
"Remember, you are the best!"
I seriously needs his persuation skill..
Then he sent me to another fitness consultant.
That looked like "sylvester stallone"
"Are you serious? to become a gym member."
"Then you will need my class.."
"No, I am poor."
"Then you should leave. Because you are not ready."
Where I signed in another course of Personal Trainer.
I officially announced, I am a celebrity member and BROKE because of the Personal Trainer course 20 classes (RM 140 per class of one hour)
and seriously again. I am not a good in talks like this...
And after I joined.
I found that there is not a single 'leng chai' there to 'KAP' (Cantonese- meaning admire)
ANyway. I can only wait... No more swimming. But there will be sauna stories.
Errr... got one already. But I will keep it for next post. THanks again. My friends.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Chapter Nine- Jack
It was a wonderful Saturday Evening.
As usual, Jonathan came out and did his normal routine.
He doesn't know why he is that attracted to the sport.
The idea of swimming is a personal sport that he can do it himself,
or he is able to view half naked men doing the same thing he is doing.
Today is an interesting day.
Jonathan from afar vividly saw a guy watching him.
When Jonathan swim, he swims as well..
"hi.. I am Jack"
"Often swims here?"
"When I am free.."
"You gym?"
"No... normally i just jog or swim." replied Jonathan.
For no reasons Jonathan was mesmerized by this Jack.
He got dark eyebrowns.
Long lashes.
He looked a bit like Wonbin (Korean actor)..
It seemed odd when Jonathan was acting like a small kid with candy.
He felt his heart pumping fast and his only intention is just to look at Jack.
"Wanna grab a bit afterward?"
"Ok.." Jonathan replied. Half giggling like a kid having his first candy..
As usual, Jonathan came out and did his normal routine.
He doesn't know why he is that attracted to the sport.
The idea of swimming is a personal sport that he can do it himself,
or he is able to view half naked men doing the same thing he is doing.
Today is an interesting day.
Jonathan from afar vividly saw a guy watching him.
When Jonathan swim, he swims as well..
"hi.. I am Jack"
"Often swims here?"
"When I am free.."
"You gym?"
"No... normally i just jog or swim." replied Jonathan.
For no reasons Jonathan was mesmerized by this Jack.
He got dark eyebrowns.
Long lashes.
He looked a bit like Wonbin (Korean actor)..
It seemed odd when Jonathan was acting like a small kid with candy.
He felt his heart pumping fast and his only intention is just to look at Jack.
"Wanna grab a bit afterward?"
"Ok.." Jonathan replied. Half giggling like a kid having his first candy..
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Chapter Nine - A new beginning
There are times when we did the wrong things, got punished..
But life goes on.
We learn.
We grew..
and in somehow we became stronger.
Jonathan did the same thing as well.
After the club incident, he felf part of himself lost.
And decided to quit his job in Penang and transfer to Kuala Lumpur.
He can't bear the past here and decided that he needs a fresh new start.
He dyed his hair autumn red.
It was those color that is a combination of green and red that will make one's face shine.
He changed his clothings.
He changed his life.
It was only then he met with his prince charming.
There is a saying, bear the rain and you will see rainbow.
So will Jonathan.
There are times when we did the wrong things, got punished..
But life goes on.
We learn.
We grew..
and in somehow we became stronger.
Jonathan did the same thing as well.
After the club incident, he felf part of himself lost.
And decided to quit his job in Penang and transfer to Kuala Lumpur.
He can't bear the past here and decided that he needs a fresh new start.
He dyed his hair autumn red.
It was those color that is a combination of green and red that will make one's face shine.
He changed his clothings.
He changed his life.
It was only then he met with his prince charming.
There is a saying, bear the rain and you will see rainbow.
So will Jonathan.
Chapter Eight - The title
Jonathan woke up naked the next day.
He tried to climb up the bed. But was too weak.
He felt dizzy.. He felt his head was big.. He felt pain.
And He was naked.
"Oh My GOD!!!.. OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!" , Jonathan started to say things to himself.
Although it was not clear, a bit blurrr.. but. He held on.
He sat on the bed.
Feeling hopeless.
The room was empty.
He started to check on wallet, keys. IC's and was lucky to find everything was there.
On the side table, there was only one thing that make him want to vomit.
A white envelope with a note inside.
Still feeling a bit blur.. Jonathan opened the envelope.
There was RM200 inside.
With a note.
'Call me.. I am Julian. You're fabulous. 012-xxx3398'
"OMG OMG OMG.." Jonathan heard himself saying to himself over and over again.
But it was too late.
'How can I be so careless... omg.. how.. how..'
It was too late.
Jonathan realised that he had been a victim.
As he can't recall what happened that night, how Julian looks like, what happened..etc He could only punch his fist on the wall.
After that , Jonathan dragged himself to the washroom and cleaned himself.
He can only feel the shower like knifes stabbing him..
He kneeled down.
and wept.
Two days after the club incident.
Julian's personal collection suddenly emerged a new title.
"Angela - (**The 36D**)
He tried to climb up the bed. But was too weak.
He felt dizzy.. He felt his head was big.. He felt pain.
And He was naked.
"Oh My GOD!!!.. OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!" , Jonathan started to say things to himself.
Although it was not clear, a bit blurrr.. but. He held on.
He sat on the bed.
Feeling hopeless.
The room was empty.
He started to check on wallet, keys. IC's and was lucky to find everything was there.
On the side table, there was only one thing that make him want to vomit.
A white envelope with a note inside.
Still feeling a bit blur.. Jonathan opened the envelope.
There was RM200 inside.
With a note.
'Call me.. I am Julian. You're fabulous. 012-xxx3398'
"OMG OMG OMG.." Jonathan heard himself saying to himself over and over again.
But it was too late.
'How can I be so careless... omg.. how.. how..'
It was too late.
Jonathan realised that he had been a victim.
As he can't recall what happened that night, how Julian looks like, what happened..etc He could only punch his fist on the wall.
After that , Jonathan dragged himself to the washroom and cleaned himself.
He can only feel the shower like knifes stabbing him..
He kneeled down.
and wept.
Two days after the club incident.
Julian's personal collection suddenly emerged a new title.
"Angela - (**The 36D**)
Chapter Seven - The dream
"Julian, you owe me a big one."
"Sure, make it over to you soon."
"He is surely handsome, what are you doing with me later?"
"You guess?!"
Jonathan was last seen shirtless. Left with a Tatooed hunk in a golden color Honda City.
Julian slowly placed Jonathan on the Hotel bed.
He switched on full light to see the handsome Jonathan's face.
"A piece of Art.... boy, you are handsome, Jonathan", murmured Julian to himself.
He slowly place his JVC GZ-MG555 hybrid on the bed.
"You will make a great show...You are really handsome"
'Julian started to close the curtains.
and switched on the power.
He started to take off Jonathan's BONIA shoe, after that his jean trouser.
"Wow. ..You are wearing Valentino Tango brief."
"Let me see what is underneath.."
Julian was amazed of what he is seeing.
It was a perfect dick. Julian started to lick.. to use his tongue.
Then. He started to lick Jonathan's nipple..
Slowly he flipped Jonathan to the back and started all over again. To his cute butt..
Julian started to take off his own clothes.
There was huge biceps.. Unbelievable abs.. and a seven inched dick.
The was two naked muscle men in the room.
And it was like Tsunami on the bed.
Jonathan was drugged. Unconsious.
That night... Jonathan had a nightmare.
He dreamed of being little Jonathan again.
Uncle Mark was there.. playing 'the thumb'.......
And he couldn't do anything, except closing his eyes.
The pain was there. And he felt he would just died...
Julian was extra stimulated by handsome Jonathan.
He took advantage on Jonathan for 5 hours non-stop.
He was completely satisfied and never felt so great before.
Before he knows it.
It was the birth of Julian's personal collection titled.. Jonathan (*Best of the best*)
"Sure, make it over to you soon."
"He is surely handsome, what are you doing with me later?"
"You guess?!"
Jonathan was last seen shirtless. Left with a Tatooed hunk in a golden color Honda City.
Julian slowly placed Jonathan on the Hotel bed.
He switched on full light to see the handsome Jonathan's face.
"A piece of Art.... boy, you are handsome, Jonathan", murmured Julian to himself.
He slowly place his JVC GZ-MG555 hybrid on the bed.
"You will make a great show...You are really handsome"
'Julian started to close the curtains.
and switched on the power.
He started to take off Jonathan's BONIA shoe, after that his jean trouser.
"Wow. ..You are wearing Valentino Tango brief."
"Let me see what is underneath.."
Julian was amazed of what he is seeing.
It was a perfect dick. Julian started to lick.. to use his tongue.
Then. He started to lick Jonathan's nipple..
Slowly he flipped Jonathan to the back and started all over again. To his cute butt..
Julian started to take off his own clothes.
There was huge biceps.. Unbelievable abs.. and a seven inched dick.
The was two naked muscle men in the room.
And it was like Tsunami on the bed.
Jonathan was drugged. Unconsious.
That night... Jonathan had a nightmare.
He dreamed of being little Jonathan again.
Uncle Mark was there.. playing 'the thumb'.......
And he couldn't do anything, except closing his eyes.
The pain was there. And he felt he would just died...
Julian was extra stimulated by handsome Jonathan.
He took advantage on Jonathan for 5 hours non-stop.
He was completely satisfied and never felt so great before.
Before he knows it.
It was the birth of Julian's personal collection titled.. Jonathan (*Best of the best*)
Chapter Six-- The meet.
It was on 15th of August, a Saturday,
Jonathan was in his house. Resting and reading a reading a book given by the management.
It was a boring book titled "Think Like A Winner-by Dr. Walter Doyle Staples". The book was given as a gift with a string behind.
They were required to read the book aloud every Monday morning of page 18-19.
" When you change your thinking,
you change your beliefs;
When you change your beliefs;
You change your expectations;
You change your life!!"
It reminded him the Japanese people where they need to sing the slogan to motivate themselves.
For no reason Jonathan was suddenly motivated.
It was a special day today to motivate him so much.
Today, was his birthday!
He felt that all his colleagues was celebrating his birthday with him, but he suddenly realised that there was no close friends to celebrate this special day with especially after work.
'Why not go to MOMO?', Jonathan think to himself.
He changed his clothes to red that he don't wear often. Sprayed his lucky perfurm 'CK-One summer' (Limited edition) and put his favourite bonia shoes on. 'Well, will be coming back home soon.
', he thought.
MOMO was a mixed club that is famous in Penang. For no reason's, this was Jonathan's first outing to the club.
He arrived there approximately at 11.45 pm.
This is the interesting place where he found and met with Julian.
"Hi. First time here?". Julian asked.
"No. ", Jonathan was trying to keep his sentence short.
"Wat's your name? I am Julian."
"And where do you live..?"
Jonathan was a bit bored with the conversation.
Suddenly, he saw his colleague there.
When he was looking at his colleagues , he was handed a drink by the bar tender.
"On the house."
"Serious? Thanks"Jonathan replied.
"This 'green apple' vodka taste weird"
He started to feel a bit high.
For no reason's, Jonathan feel as he can touch the stars.
He felt hot, as he started to take off his shirt making him a shirtless handsome hunk.
He remembered himself dancing... dancing and dancing.....
His head was spinning.
and he ws high.
Jonathan was in his house. Resting and reading a reading a book given by the management.
It was a boring book titled "Think Like A Winner-by Dr. Walter Doyle Staples". The book was given as a gift with a string behind.
They were required to read the book aloud every Monday morning of page 18-19.
" When you change your thinking,
you change your beliefs;
When you change your beliefs;
You change your expectations;
You change your life!!"
It reminded him the Japanese people where they need to sing the slogan to motivate themselves.
For no reason Jonathan was suddenly motivated.
It was a special day today to motivate him so much.
Today, was his birthday!
He felt that all his colleagues was celebrating his birthday with him, but he suddenly realised that there was no close friends to celebrate this special day with especially after work.
'Why not go to MOMO?', Jonathan think to himself.
He changed his clothes to red that he don't wear often. Sprayed his lucky perfurm 'CK-One summer' (Limited edition) and put his favourite bonia shoes on. 'Well, will be coming back home soon.
', he thought.
MOMO was a mixed club that is famous in Penang. For no reason's, this was Jonathan's first outing to the club.
He arrived there approximately at 11.45 pm.
This is the interesting place where he found and met with Julian.
"Hi. First time here?". Julian asked.
"No. ", Jonathan was trying to keep his sentence short.
"Wat's your name? I am Julian."
"And where do you live..?"
Jonathan was a bit bored with the conversation.
Suddenly, he saw his colleague there.
When he was looking at his colleagues , he was handed a drink by the bar tender.
"On the house."
"Serious? Thanks"Jonathan replied.
"This 'green apple' vodka taste weird"
He started to feel a bit high.
For no reason's, Jonathan feel as he can touch the stars.
He felt hot, as he started to take off his shirt making him a shirtless handsome hunk.
He remembered himself dancing... dancing and dancing.....
His head was spinning.
and he ws high.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Chapter Five - Julian
Julian was one of Angela's pub friends.
After the INCIDENT,
Angela requested Julian to revenge for her.
"I want you to seduce Jonathan. Do anything to make him suffer!"
"I want him to suffer!!!" Angela started her conversation
"What will I have in return?", Julian asked.
"You will get what you always wanted.." Angela continued, with her orange juice.
"And that is???"
"A taste of me.."
"..... deal..."
One of the interesting things Julian do for fun is .....
and more SEX..
There was a time where he had the same conversation with Angela.
To revenge on behalf of her.
How he do revenge is to have Great sex.
Incridible Sex.
With a dark secret behind......
"Julian, Your tongue.. ooo...ah..ah..."
Julian was kissing and using his tongue..
He is great with his tongue.
"OOOOOOO..... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... you're so good.. so good.."
"You are wonderful.. you are GOD!!"
"AA... aaaaaaaaaaa.. ooooooooooooooo....OOOO..OoooOOOOOooooOOOooo....."
However, there is something wrong with this picture.
Something that is seriously wrong.
Something that involve a JVC GZ-MG555 hybrid
Yes.. You are right.
He liked to taped all his sexual encounters.
And how he managed to fish out Handsome Jonathan.
Was interesting.
What will happen next?
After the INCIDENT,
Angela requested Julian to revenge for her.
"I want you to seduce Jonathan. Do anything to make him suffer!"
"I want him to suffer!!!" Angela started her conversation
"What will I have in return?", Julian asked.
"You will get what you always wanted.." Angela continued, with her orange juice.
"And that is???"
"A taste of me.."
"..... deal..."
One of the interesting things Julian do for fun is .....
and more SEX..
There was a time where he had the same conversation with Angela.
To revenge on behalf of her.
How he do revenge is to have Great sex.
Incridible Sex.
With a dark secret behind......
"Julian, Your tongue.. ooo...ah..ah..."
Julian was kissing and using his tongue..
He is great with his tongue.
"OOOOOOO..... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... you're so good.. so good.."
"You are wonderful.. you are GOD!!"
"AA... aaaaaaaaaaa.. ooooooooooooooo....OOOO..OoooOOOOOooooOOOooo....."
However, there is something wrong with this picture.
Something that is seriously wrong.
Something that involve a JVC GZ-MG555 hybrid
Yes.. You are right.
He liked to taped all his sexual encounters.
And how he managed to fish out Handsome Jonathan.
Was interesting.
What will happen next?
Chapter Four - The fall
"Jonathan?!!! Jonathan?!"
Jonathan suddenly realise that he was in a SALES meeting.
"I already have 4 action plans that I will be implementing this quarter. We will get a great Quarter 4", Jonathan explained.
He was trying hard to focus..
But his mind went lost again...
It was on a interesting April 4th 2009.
Angela and himself was having a business meet with an important customer.
Half an hour before the customer came, Angela made a interesting remark that Jonathan felt weird.
It was the first step of Angela after the Japan onsen incident that makes Jonathan felt she is interested in him.
"Jonathan, my breast will become rosy pink when I am in a anxious mood.. I don't know why I had the feeling today."
"Do you feel anxious today? Jonathan? Do you think my breast is pink?", Angela asked.
"No. You looked gorgeous Angela. Gorgeous. You'll be great.", replied Jonathan while looking
into Angela's rosy pink breast.
To Jonathan, it looked like two gigantic meat balls.
Now he felt full already.
But he tryed to look interested in the rosy pink breast.
Who will know that female's breast will turn pink when they are anxious.
He was interested to see the color of nipple. But stopped as he is thinking of what to present to the prospect.
Things was interesting when Angela was trying to hook Jonathan for her sexual dreams.
But badly shattered during the INCIDENT
It was after the INCIDENT that Angela started to hate Jonathan and tryed to take revenge.
That was where Julian comes into the picture.
Jonathan suddenly realise that he was in a SALES meeting.
"I already have 4 action plans that I will be implementing this quarter. We will get a great Quarter 4", Jonathan explained.
He was trying hard to focus..
But his mind went lost again...
It was on a interesting April 4th 2009.
Angela and himself was having a business meet with an important customer.
Half an hour before the customer came, Angela made a interesting remark that Jonathan felt weird.
It was the first step of Angela after the Japan onsen incident that makes Jonathan felt she is interested in him.
"Jonathan, my breast will become rosy pink when I am in a anxious mood.. I don't know why I had the feeling today."
"Do you feel anxious today? Jonathan? Do you think my breast is pink?", Angela asked.
"No. You looked gorgeous Angela. Gorgeous. You'll be great.", replied Jonathan while looking
into Angela's rosy pink breast.
To Jonathan, it looked like two gigantic meat balls.
Now he felt full already.
But he tryed to look interested in the rosy pink breast.
Who will know that female's breast will turn pink when they are anxious.
He was interested to see the color of nipple. But stopped as he is thinking of what to present to the prospect.
Things was interesting when Angela was trying to hook Jonathan for her sexual dreams.
But badly shattered during the INCIDENT
It was after the INCIDENT that Angela started to hate Jonathan and tryed to take revenge.
That was where Julian comes into the picture.
Chapter Three - Angela
"Jonathan, what are you going to do with you missed QTD (Quarter To Date)? We expect you to excel. You're the best last quarter. Can you do it?"
A lady with a high pitched sound started to emerge.
The lady's name was Angela.
AKA tou ke nio
She was wearing a black suite with a snake symbol neclace today.
The snake was her chinese zodiac. Black was because the fengshui sinseh said that this year, she will be best suited with the color Black.
She was a widow in her mid thirties.
There was a lot of rumours of this lady.
Some said her husband died of too much sex.
Others said that , her husband died during them having a threesome.
But no one can denied that she had a high sexual appetite.
Jonathan was unable to focus..
His mind was somewhere else.
For no reasons, he was recalling last years encounter with this lady boss.
It was in Japan.
This incidence happen in the onsen , when both of them was in business trip.
It was a funny incident.
Funny, as handsome Jonathan mistakenly walked in the lady onsen NAKED with a small towel on top of his head.
Inside the lady onsen, there is only lady Angela.
And she saw what greatness that Jonathan possesses under his smart clothing.
a six and a half inch dick with abs that everyone is dying for..
not to forgot the cute butt when Jonathan walk out the onsen.
Unlucky for handsome Jonathan,
He was wearing spectacles but took the spectacles off in the undress room outside.
He only see
A blurr lady naked.. but a towel on top of her head.
Ever since then, Angela will sometimes do unexpected things.
A lady with a high pitched sound started to emerge.
The lady's name was Angela.
AKA tou ke nio
She was wearing a black suite with a snake symbol neclace today.
The snake was her chinese zodiac. Black was because the fengshui sinseh said that this year, she will be best suited with the color Black.
She was a widow in her mid thirties.
There was a lot of rumours of this lady.
Some said her husband died of too much sex.
Others said that , her husband died during them having a threesome.
But no one can denied that she had a high sexual appetite.
Jonathan was unable to focus..
His mind was somewhere else.
For no reasons, he was recalling last years encounter with this lady boss.
It was in Japan.
This incidence happen in the onsen , when both of them was in business trip.
It was a funny incident.
Funny, as handsome Jonathan mistakenly walked in the lady onsen NAKED with a small towel on top of his head.
Inside the lady onsen, there is only lady Angela.
And she saw what greatness that Jonathan possesses under his smart clothing.
a six and a half inch dick with abs that everyone is dying for..
not to forgot the cute butt when Jonathan walk out the onsen.
Unlucky for handsome Jonathan,
He was wearing spectacles but took the spectacles off in the undress room outside.
He only see
A blurr lady naked.. but a towel on top of her head.
Ever since then, Angela will sometimes do unexpected things.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Chapter two - Nightmares.
Spring 2009
"Little Jonathan!!.. Come out come out !!"
He woke up almost instantly. Before he knows it, he was already perspiring profusely.
With slow steps, he started to climb up from the bed.
Clock on the wall was showing 2.30am.
He walked up to the washroom to take a drink when he spotted himself in the mirror.
A handsome lad in his thirties started to appear. He was well build. With strong features, he looked a bit like Steve Yap (Malaysian actor cum model) with great skin.
He looked around him.
There was no one here.
"Jonathan, just go to sleep.." , as he murmured to himself.
Little Jonathan survived the past and grew to be a handsome man.
He became a sales manager in a local malaysia company based in Penang.
Outside, when Jonathan was out in the field, He was chatty, friendly, full of confidence.
and that was only when he was outside.
Shadowed with the past, Jonathan hide in his house alone most of the time.
He strongly believed that with workouts, and no alcohols, he will not be the vulnerable broken doll to be played with.
He strongly believed that before he met with Julian.
The man that will change his life forever.
"Little Jonathan!!.. Come out come out !!"
He woke up almost instantly. Before he knows it, he was already perspiring profusely.
With slow steps, he started to climb up from the bed.
Clock on the wall was showing 2.30am.
He walked up to the washroom to take a drink when he spotted himself in the mirror.
A handsome lad in his thirties started to appear. He was well build. With strong features, he looked a bit like Steve Yap (Malaysian actor cum model) with great skin.
He looked around him.
There was no one here.
"Jonathan, just go to sleep.." , as he murmured to himself.
Little Jonathan survived the past and grew to be a handsome man.
He became a sales manager in a local malaysia company based in Penang.
Outside, when Jonathan was out in the field, He was chatty, friendly, full of confidence.
and that was only when he was outside.
Shadowed with the past, Jonathan hide in his house alone most of the time.
He strongly believed that with workouts, and no alcohols, he will not be the vulnerable broken doll to be played with.
He strongly believed that before he met with Julian.
The man that will change his life forever.
Chapter One -- The thumb
Summer 1983.
The young boy with long lashes was running around in the house again and again.
He is cheerful as there was no one in the house.
At a glance, he looked like David Beckham in a small body. With brown hair, brown eyes, and with a fair skin. In Asian eyes, he looked a bit like Bruce Lee, with sharp features that will melt one's heart when he is seen.
Today is Wednesday, he thought.
He looked up, and sees the clock.
'oh no.. It will be 4pm soon..' , he started to panic and ran up to his room to hide.
'But hide where?'
He hide under the bed when suddenly there was a bang on the door.
"Jonathan!! where are you?...."
"Come out and play with me.. Today is 'THUMB' day!", continued the man.
A man in his forties walked in the house.
He was ugly. With a fat belly, uncut hair and a scent that he had not been taking a bath for one weeks now.
"Come out, Jonathan!! Uncle Mark is here!!"
"Time to play thumb... come out come out whereever you are!!"
Jonathan was hiding and tried his best to be soundless.
He felt so silent that he can hear himself breathing, panicking...
"FOund you, naughty Jonathan.. naughty Jonathan."
"Play hide and seek with Uncle Mark, ya.."
"Can't wait to play THUMB ya..."
"No.. uncle Mark, I am unwell today." said Jonathan softly.
"let me see.. You are healthy. " without giving him a chance, the man pulled Little Jonathan to his bedroom and shut the door.
The man pulled out a dvd from the DVD cupboard and started playing the movie.
In the screen, there was a naked boy and a man.
"Let's play THUMB... " the man started to unbuckle his trousers..
"No.. uncle Mark, I will be good boy.. Pls don't. It hurts.." little Jonathan begged..
"Shut up.. or no dinner for you!!!", shouted the man.
The man slowly closes the curtain...
and little Jonathan closed his eyes..
The young boy with long lashes was running around in the house again and again.
He is cheerful as there was no one in the house.
At a glance, he looked like David Beckham in a small body. With brown hair, brown eyes, and with a fair skin. In Asian eyes, he looked a bit like Bruce Lee, with sharp features that will melt one's heart when he is seen.
Today is Wednesday, he thought.
He looked up, and sees the clock.
'oh no.. It will be 4pm soon..' , he started to panic and ran up to his room to hide.
'But hide where?'
He hide under the bed when suddenly there was a bang on the door.
"Jonathan!! where are you?...."
"Come out and play with me.. Today is 'THUMB' day!", continued the man.
A man in his forties walked in the house.
He was ugly. With a fat belly, uncut hair and a scent that he had not been taking a bath for one weeks now.
"Come out, Jonathan!! Uncle Mark is here!!"
"Time to play thumb... come out come out whereever you are!!"
Jonathan was hiding and tried his best to be soundless.
He felt so silent that he can hear himself breathing, panicking...
"FOund you, naughty Jonathan.. naughty Jonathan."
"Play hide and seek with Uncle Mark, ya.."
"Can't wait to play THUMB ya..."
"No.. uncle Mark, I am unwell today." said Jonathan softly.
"let me see.. You are healthy. " without giving him a chance, the man pulled Little Jonathan to his bedroom and shut the door.
The man pulled out a dvd from the DVD cupboard and started playing the movie.
In the screen, there was a naked boy and a man.
"Let's play THUMB... " the man started to unbuckle his trousers..
"No.. uncle Mark, I will be good boy.. Pls don't. It hurts.." little Jonathan begged..
"Shut up.. or no dinner for you!!!", shouted the man.
The man slowly closes the curtain...
and little Jonathan closed his eyes..
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Seeing so many people started writing stories,
I think I should start writing in English.
As I am writing my diary in Chinese, Trying in English should be.. chaotic..
Plus learning to put words in english should bring my english to the next level.
Because I Felt dramatic reading pocket of sunshine's blog and deeply motivated by 'Julian' in Leggie's new enchanting tale. It reminds of myself when I was young.
Maybe I should write some stories..
Imaging myself in Bangkok again.
Imaging myself in another dimension.
Or tales long before back to the young naive age that I was brutally assulted which give me a scar to remember.
It will be a.. Project?
还是真的有点懒惰。 习惯了咯,华文。
I think I should start writing in English.
As I am writing my diary in Chinese, Trying in English should be.. chaotic..
Plus learning to put words in english should bring my english to the next level.
Because I Felt dramatic reading pocket of sunshine's blog and deeply motivated by 'Julian' in Leggie's new enchanting tale. It reminds of myself when I was young.
Maybe I should write some stories..
Imaging myself in Bangkok again.
Imaging myself in another dimension.
Or tales long before back to the young naive age that I was brutally assulted which give me a scar to remember.
It will be a.. Project?
还是真的有点懒惰。 习惯了咯,华文。
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